Thursday, August 21, 2008

My Article on "Ibn Khaldoun's world map" in the upcoming JNAS

My article "Towards reconstructing the Muqaddimah following Ibn Khaldun’s reading of the Idrisian text and maps," is published in this fall issue of the Journal of North African Studies (The Journal of North African Studies, 13:3, 293 — 306)... It includes a discussion of the propagation of the Idrisian world maps in Ibn Khaldoun's muqaddima, which is a subchapter in my dissertation... the article is based on a paper I gave in Tangier two years ago: "Physical Geography and Cartography in the Muqaddimah: Ibn Khaldun's Obedience and Disobedience of the contemporary authorships," presented in Les Mondes d'Ibn Khaldun, the annual conference of the American Institute for Maghrib Studies (AIMS), Tangier (Morocco), June 8-10, 2006.

By the way the fall issue of JNAS is a special volume dedicated to the papers of AIMS Tangier conference on Ibn Khaldoun. I would like to thank Ronald Messier for giving me the opportunity to take part in the conference and JNAS publication.


At 4:52 PM, Blogger Alé Abdalla said...

يا طارق المجلّة هاذي تنشر باللّغة الفرنسيّة?

At 6:07 PM, Blogger Tarek طارق said...

لا علاء... هذية بالمناسبة مجلة صادرة عن جامعة كامبردج البريطانية و تأكد على أنو لغتها الوحيدة هي الانجليزية... هو جاب ربي فمة مجلة تحاول تعمل توازن على خاطر معظم الدوريات المتخصصة في شمال افريقيا ناطقة إما بالفرنسية أو العربية

At 1:09 AM, Blogger mapsgal said...

Congrats I look forward to reading your article! I had noticed world maps in some Ibn Khaldun ms's and thought they deserved to be researched and written about.
Congrats also your new job and on completing your dissertation, which I also look forward to reading.

PS. I am curious: How did you go from Ottoman numismatics to cartography?

At 1:22 AM, Blogger Tarek طارق said...

Dr. P... I'd be glad to hear your comments on both (the dissertation should be available soon from UMI)...

Well I completed my master's thesis on numismatics since 2001... so it was a long time when I got interested in cartography... still I think some of the main historical and visual problems still almost the same... especially for the coins and maps made in the Ottoman world... I'm planning to write an article about that... hopefully soon...

By the way I know at least two people who had similar transition... though not to cartography...


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